Know More About Flowers Daisy

Mother Earth is adorned by Nature with so many heart-arresting embellishments such as the awe-arising mountains, the ever-energizing oceans, the beguiling forests, the enigmatic desserts, the eye-gripping snows and doubtlessly the forever-engrossing Flowers. Flowers are indeed nature's very best blessing to this earth. Their pure aura, their virtuous luminosity and their immortal appeal make them the eternal wonder of this World. From gracing celebrations to pacifying hearts and from conveying love to esteeming people, Flowers play a cardinal role in the different dynamics of our lives and livelihood. Within the uncountable kinds of Flowers that magnify the attraction of Mother Earth, the following are the few choice ones of human-beings.

Let us talk about some commonly found flowers in India.

Anturium,Rose,Gerbera,Carnation,Orchid,Lily,Chrysanthemum,Birds of Paradise,Daisy,Magnnolia,Tulip,Zinnia

Stoking hearts with their chic white petals and a dainty yellow or blue center, Daisies are indigenous to the areas of North and Central Europe and in the temperate lands of including the America and Australasia. Much preferred for both gardening and gifting, Daisies open up just at dawn. The name 'Daisy' is believed to be derived from the Old English 'Daes Eag' that means 'Day's Eye'.

The Daisy flower out-blooms during the time of early to mid-summer. This flower is basically composed of two flowers. The white petals are considered to be one single flower and the yellow or blue bosom, forming an 'eye', is taken to be another flower. Daisies can be grown in both sunlight and shady ambiences with ideal temperature conditions of above 30�F (-34�C) and well-drained soil and does not require much maintenance and are since the most preferred ones to grow in gardens.

Daisies come from the family of 'vascular plants' which constitute almost 10% of all flowering plants on Earth. Daisies also possess certain remedial attributes like stopping bleeding, soothing indigestion and removing coughs. Homeopathy utilizes the Daisy flower for relieving pains of back areas.

The two most prevalent types of Daisies are:

Shasta Daisy - Deriving its name from California's volcano mountain Mount Shasta, this white-petal flower is a top pick for making groundcovers in gardens and for making nice flower arrangements.

African Daisy - Blooming during the time of April till August, this flower is also called by the name of 'Goddess of the Sun' for its eye-affecting brightness. Also titled as the African Cape Marigold, this flower, offering itself in the colors of apricot, orange, yellow and white, closes during night and clouds and opens up only in times of wholesome sunlight.

This most prevalent and truly adorable wild flower certifies for the fervors of morality, virtue, wholesome trust and fidelity. The White Daisy fits nicely to praise a 5 year long marriage.

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Posted on: 4/6/2019 11:32:12 AM

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